Should curricula in other countries be based on a European ideal? Does that even exist? And what can European Waldorf...
In the 70s, alternative forms of spirituality were once associated with a rose-colored glasses worldview. Today, it’s the opposite –...
Marginalia on Rudolf Steiner’s Life and Work 24. In Memory of Friedwart Husemann. A few months before moving to Weimar where he was to publish most of ‹Goethes Naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften› [Goethe’s Scientific Writings] as part of the first Goethe Complete Edition, Rudolf Steiner began exploring his possibilities for a doctorate. On the one...
How did anthroposophists live during the years of the German Democratic Republic (1949-1989)? Could they work at all? For security reasons, almost nothing...
In 1994, when Klaus Schmidt discovered the buildings of Göbekli Tépé on the Turkish-Syrian border and dated them to 11,000...
For Rudolf Steiner, the ruin after the fire signalled not only the defamation of anthroposophical work, but also the failure of the Anthroposophical Society to adequately protect the building. The smoke at the ruins of the Goetheanum had hardly cleared before Rudolf Steiner said: «And I hope, of course, that...
Janusz Korczak was a doctor who came to the conclusion: if I want to do something substantial for the health...
Marginalia of Rudolf Steiner’s Life and Work, No. 23 – In peripheral encounters, and once directly, Ludwig Berger circled around...
The three 2022 Nobel Laureates in Physics – John Clauser, Alain Aspect, and Anton Zeilinger – have experimentally shown that quantum physics is more than an idea or theory of understanding matter. There is probably only one occasion on which Rudolf Steiner did not use the term ‹occult captivity› in...
Marginalia on Rudolf Steiner’s Life and Work No. 22 – The Sister had the works of her famous brother read...
Those who want to immerse themselves in Anthroposophical history in English can become patrons of a new podcast. On the...
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