Healing the Climate through Agriculture

A prototype project for carbon accumulation in agricultural soils will be presented at this year’s climate summit COP27.

Picture: Event Logo 2022

At this year’s COP27 climate summit, Sekem will present a prototypical project for carbon enrichment in agricultural soils. The two actors want to actively promote a regenerative agricultural approach that mitigates climate change, thus ensuring a better life for farmers and greater food security. The prototype for agriculture leading to carbon accumulation in the soil will be presented in the framework program of this political summit. It was developed through the ‹Economy of Love›, a certification standard of the Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA), which supports sustainable farms, businesses, and consumers. This prototype was created on nearly 336 hectares of desert farmland in Wahat Baharya Oasis. The trial has produced significant evidence that this carbon-oriented agriculture can alleviate the consequences of climate change. It encouraged the ‹Economy of Love› initiative to extend the concept to 2,100 smallholder farmers in Egypt and thus provide a financial advantage through carbon credits to all those who advocate for regenerative, ecological, and social-ethical practices. At the climate summit, the successes of the first and second phases of this pilot project will be presented, and critical global coalitions will be formed to mitigate climate change. In addition to this pilot project, older projects will also be publicized in the framework program. Many influential organizations were invited to the conference, including the Egyptian Minister of Agriculture, El-Said Marzouq El-Qosair, and the English King Charles.

Source Newsletter Biodynamic Federation Demeter International

More Sekem via ‹Climate Protection with Agriculture›.

Cover Image from Francesco Ungaro – Translation: Monika Werner

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