Hands In, On Earth

The Youth Section of North America is organizing a stream of events this July. This years focus is twofold: firstly, how do we create space to take ourselves and our work seriously as young people, and secondly, what does it mean to be hospitable and to host others?

The first event, ‹Hands In: Sowing Questions, Crafting Community, Forging Our Future›, July 2nd-7th in Hudson, NY, is a continuation of our annual summer conferences. We will spend the first three days together getting to know each other’s work and deepening our relationship with upstate New York and the impulse toward sacred craft that is emerging in the young people there. On July 6th, we will collectively host a festival day which will be open to the local and anthroposophical community in the New York area. We will share our work: academic, artistic, and dramatic, in a way that is accessible to all those who join us. We hope to host a wonderful festival for the community, both local and from afar, to get to know the inspirations of the Youth Section of North America.

On July 7th many of us will take a road trip to Detroit, Michigan. We will spend two weeks working with Bart Eddy and the Brightmoor Maker students and alumni to help to begin landscaping a playground nearby the school. This happening, which we are calling ‹On Earth: Hands On, Camping Out, Earth Tending›, will be a lengthy period of engagement with helping meet the needs of the Brightmoor Makers in their efforts. This project will be informed by the work of the late Johannes Mattheissen, who came several times to the area to bring the Spirit of Earth Healing practices to several plots of land nearby where we will be working. The invitation is to show up in a volunteering capacity anywhere between July 8th and 22nd. This will overlap in participation with the Elderberries ‹How We Will: Threefold Research Symposium› July 20th-23rd.

The Youth Section of North America is also hosting bi-weekly Zoom gatherings in advance of our summer happenings. We have begun a study of artist and anthroposophist Joseph Beuys, which we hope will inform our gatherings this summer. We are excited to broaden our network and connect with young folks who are interested in and/or working out of Anthroposophy and who have an interest in community! Does this sound like you or someone you know? Please spread the word.

Are you interested in supporting our travel fund to make these events accessible to young people from all over North America? We are warmly accepting signups and donations. If you’d like to chat with us directly you can reach our team at northamericanyouthsection@gmail.com.

Images Youth Section North America

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