Growing with the Times

San Francisco, California. A Waldorf conference in the United States.

The world is changing at a rapid pace, and social and technological conditions are changing with it. The resulting culture is not all good; it also presents serious challenges that have the potential to negatively impact children in their most formative stage of development. Burn-out, latent stress, and mental illness are becoming increasingly common. Especially now, it remains the task of Waldorf education to remain true to its values and to remain flexible in its implementation in order to take action and do justice to what is currently in the room. The question arises again and again: What does it take to bring mature, self-confident, creative, and courageous people out of school and into adult life? This question guides the Northern California Waldorf Teachers Conference, which takes place February 16-18 in San Francisco. The conference program includes thematically focused workshops and plenary discussions as well as a lecture by Michaela Glöckler, pediatrician and president of the European Alliance of Initiatives of Applied Anthroposophy (ELIANT). At the same time, a conference of the North American Eurythmy Association will take place at the same venue and participants are invited to attend the eurythmy pieces performed there.

More Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training

Translation Charles Cross
Image Markus Spiske

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