Greeting the Next Generation

“Join us in exploring and discovering how we can create a more meaningful world together!” invite the staff of the Youth Section in North America.

They have set themselves the task of creating spaces in which young people can inspire each other and encounter the lively spiritual activity of anthroposophy. It’s about celebrating ideas and practices to connect with the most authentic self and future collaborators, they write. In the past year, a number of young people have found their way into anthroposophical work. “We have held two conferences, workshops, study groups, art initiatives, and service projects to provide opportunities for meaningful encounters for spiritually aspiring young people. These gatherings are designed to connect young people, facilitate collaboration, and inspire creative, responsible action in the world.”

In the summer of 2025, they are planning “The Light Between” conference at Hawthorne Valley Farm, New York, and hope to reach more than a hundred young people. The Youth Section is launching a tour of Waldorf schools and other institutions across the country to gather topics, generate enthusiasm, and encourage participation. They have also launched a campaign to enable young people to travel to other anthroposophical events. A donation of 250 dollars, for example, enables them to take part in a domestic workshop, and a donation of 1000 dollars enables them to travel to the Youth Section at the Goetheanum for the first time. According to those responsible, the aim is to welcome the next generation of anthroposophists.

More The North American Youth Section

Translation Charles Cross
Image North American Youth Section

To Be Alive

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