Going to the cosmic world

Humans And Their After-life Path Through The Cosmos.

The working group Sterbekultur [Culture of Dying] is a branch of the Swiss Anthroposophical Society. The group focuses on consciousness-raising which can accompany the process of dying and help people to prepare for this step. Franz Ackermann, co-founder of the working group, and eurythmist Sharon Karnieli are offering a four-part course ‹Human and Cosmos,› and will examine the «language of the zodiacs and planets in the culture of dying.» Humans are comprised of body, soul, and spirit in connection with the worlds of the elements, planets, fixed stars, and their unity. The viewing of images and eurythmy exercises are also part of the course.
First Date: May 11.

More Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sterbekultur
Registration mensch.kosmos@outlook.com

Translation Monika Werner
Photo James Lee

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