Global Preparations Colloquium

Building a network for people who make preparations.

The growing movement for Biodynamic Agriculture has now spread across the globe. For this reason, the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International (BFDI) commissioned a study (2022-2023) to paint a global picture of the movement, addressing its potential as well as its challenges. Part of the study was to collect and evaluate the experiences and visions of more than 110 people practicing Biodynamic Agriculture in various countries. First evaluations show the desire of many farmers to be part of a worldwide network of people who make preparations. The BFDI wants to fulfill this wish and is organizing three online colloquia this year. The second meeting will be on August 31 and will address the topic of ”Animals and Preparations.”

Contact Maria Paz Bernaschina

Translation Eliza Rozeboom
Photo Lin Bautze

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