Free Seeds

The French Association Kokopelli has set itself the task of fighting for the free reproduction of plant seeds.

They don’t just want to be a production site for organic seeds, but they want to work for free distribution and autonomous access to them. In their documentary ‹Kokopelli, un monde en semence›, their depot is presented with many participants. It is already clear that the community is resisting the monopoly of the large seed producers and their practice of making farmers dependent. That’s why the Kokopelli network not only grows 1,400 to 2,000 plant varieties – depending on the season; with the campaign ‹Semences sans frontières›, the group also takes care of donations of seeds to small farmers in the southern hemisphere. These have to suffer particularly badly from the loss of their traditional seed autonomy.

More Association Kokopelli

Picture: Ananda, President of the Association

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