Frankly Speaking

Our time is open, complex, and contradictory. So let us search for new ground in an open and multi-layered way, with courage for contradictions. Three guests set off on this journey—moderated by Franka Henn and Wolfgang Held (editors of Das Goetheanum)—to find answers, images, and perhaps even imaginations for and with each other.

There are three types of obstacles to openly sharing a new idea or a surprising thought. First, the inner threshold rises because the new perspective clashes with familiar ways and habits. Then comes doubt about the other person. Will he or she raise their eyebrows with interest, or will they quickly object? Will I be heard? Then, the big doubt: negation and scandalization have set the tone on the big stage. Is my thought equal to this devastating atmosphere? Yes, if it finds a social outlet, if resonance becomes a midwife. In his current book project, Harald Welzer calls these intellectual biotopes “good places,” in which the future begins to shine freely and openly from speaking and listening, and draws in the will. With the new discussion space “Offen gesagt,” [Frankly Speaking], we want to contribute to the open atmosphere at the Goetheanum in which ideas and thoughts can be shared and strengthened in conversation.

“Frankly speaking—Conversations at the Goetheanum” November 11, 18, 25, 8 pm.
Link to the live stream Offen gesagt

Translation Charles Cross
Image Wolfgang Held, Franka Henn

New Soil

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