Founding of the German Youth Section

From June 30 to July 2, the founding celebration of the German Youth Section will take place at Hamborn Castle.

Magdalena Ries and Ludger Scharlipp of the core team that has carried the initiative since the summer of 2022 to its current implementation, report: “Our goal with the Youth Section in Germany is to create spaces in which a living anthroposophy can be explored, lived, and shaped in a contemporary way.” They see the Youth Section as a path that can “build a bridge between generations, as well as between individuality and community.” To this end, they are focusing on meetings, events, and a professional platform for networking initiatives, working groups and training centers. At the opening ceremony, the focus will be on the “spiritual aspirations of youth.”

More Anthroposophische Gesellschaft in Deutschland

Translation Eliza Rozeboom

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