Being Human In Play

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Goetheanum, Dornach. Question! Encounter! Play! [Frage! Begegne! Spiele!] is the title of an artistic learning program that aims to make a culturally relevant contribution to social cohesion. It brings young refugees, migrants, and European citizens together through artistic processes grounded in an anthroposophical understanding of the human being.

The annual program will be held for the fourth time from October 6 to 13, 2024. The focus is to develop a collaborative play (a dramatic production) from scratch that the participants create over the course of the week. During the process, these young people work on their own biographical journeys and share them with others. In their meetings, the unique and common elements are revealed and honored. In play, they meet each other as human beings in development, full of potential and freedom to become

More Frage! Begegne! Spiele!

Translation Andrea de la Cruz
Photo Nicole Asis

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