For Freedom Of Choice In Genetic Engineering

In her letter as a spokesperson for the Alliance Eliant, Michaela Glöckler writes:

«Last year, the EU Commission wanted to conduct a survey to discover whether citizens agree with the non-declaration of the new genetic engineering methods such as Crispr/Cas. There were numerous signatures against this project. However, the American and European chemical and seed companies are undeterred and urge the EU Commission to ensure that products produced using new genetic engineering methods should not be labeled as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). These groups own the patents for the corresponding seeds. Eliant has been committed to the preservation of sustainable choices for many years – because what good is the guaranteed freedom of choice if the possibilities to choose are dwindling more and more? Therefore, we would like to ask you to support our petition and spread it as far as possible in your environment. Our Eliant member, the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International, has launched this petition. Our demands are: ‹We call on European decision-makers to resolutely oppose all attempts to exclude new GMOs from existing EU legislation on GMOs and to maintain mandatory safety controls, transparency, and labeling of all GMOs to ensure the safety of our food and to protect nature, the environment, and our freedom of choice.› In many countries, choices are increasingly disappearing, important needs of citizens are not respected, diversity is extinguished through systemic thinking, and unification is enforced. All the more reason for our trust and hope in civil society. With citizens’ initiatives and petitions, with conscious consumer behavior and a keen follow-up of current events, we can contribute every day to making our earth a better place.»

Source European Alliance of Initiatives for Applied Anthroposophy (ELIANT)
To the petition Biodynamic Federation Demeter

Image What will be on the plate in the future? Photo: Sofia Lismont – Translation: Monika Werner

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