Nana Woo is a social eurythmist and facilitator for inner development from South Korea who works at SEKEM in Egypt....
Dornach. Movement is essential for health. Movement stimulates learning and makes change possible. The benefits of movement are being seen,...
From June 24 to 27, twenty eurythmy schools and one speech school will come to the Goetheanum for the meeting of the graduating classes. For eurythmy students, especially in distant countries such as Japan or Mexico, this means an enormous economic expense, yet they are coming to the Goetheanum for...
Four Eurythmists join forces to shape a new training course. Due to high demand, Noëmi Böken, Lea Tsangaris, Rachel Maeder,...
Tania Mierau has been a member of the Else-Klink-Ensemble since 1996, has taught eurythmy for over 25 years, and completed...
In the series ‹Eurythmy in Conversation›, Andrea Pfaehler and Hendrik Levengard, acting and directing respectively, as well as Martja Brandsma, eurythmy, talked about the relationship between acting and eurythmy. Andrea Pfaehler described her impression as a director that choreography similarly determines eurythmy as the text does actors. This makes it...
The final meeting of the eurythmy and speech formation educational trainings took us around the world in a few days....
These days, ‹Trauma› is getting people moving. Developing exercises and insights is also becoming relevant for eurythmy work. The trauma...
Baarle-Nassau, Netherlands. Eurythmy courses for children. The Dutch eurythmy school Logos is offering regular eurythmy courses for children in the municipality of Baarle-Nassau. Children between the ages of four and twelve are taught the rhythmic movements of eurythmy as a living language of the body and soul. During the lessons,...
How can we promote art that manages to create a stage for itself? How can we attract artists who find...
A one-week further training course for those working with trauma. Following this year’s well-attended online trauma conference, the Eurythmy4you face-to-face...
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