Eurythmy in the Working World

Arlesheim, Switzerland. Facilitating company growth with the art of movement.

The training course “Bewegte Prozessbegleitung” [Moving process support] for the application of eurythmy in companies will take place for the second time from September 2024 to April 2025. The German-language course is organized by You with Me Eurythmy and is aimed at trained eurythmists who want to further develop the exercises of the art of movement and use them in the working environment of a company. The intention is to accompany and support development processes on an individual level as well as in the overall structure of a company through eurythmy. Central aspects are encounter through dialogue and community building. In addition to the eurythmic approaches, the course also teaches content from Spiral Dynamics Integral by Don E. Beck, Christopher Cowan, and Clare W. Graves, as well as from Theory U by Otto Scharmer. The registration deadline for the course is August 1.

More You with Me Eurythmy

Translation Charles Cross
Image Source Sonja Zausch

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