Emergency Aid for Organic Farming in Ukraine

Refugees on Ukrainian farms, hardly any diesel for the tractors, lack of seeds – the situation in Ukraine is difficult.

Organic farms in Ukraine must also be helped. About 400 farms with 500,000 hectares are affected. Through its relationship with the German-Ukrainian Cooperation on Organic Farming, which is funded within the framework of the bilateral cooperation program of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft has a trustworthy relationship with the organic farming movement in Ukraine. Through it, we can use and forward donations appropriately. The Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft wants to directly help farms and organizations of organic farming in Ukraine: the refugees on organic farms (food, accommodation, logistics, etc.), the farms for the acquisition of equipment and the preservation of farm buildings (seeds, machines, fuels, war-related building damage, etc.), the farmers who experience loss of earnings due to the acts of war, with the creation of new jobs on the farms as well as a temporary wage assumption for refugees, insofar as they work on the farms, the employees of Ukrainian organizations of organic farming in Ukraine and Ukrainian organizations of organic farming, which need support in the reorganization and resumption of their activities. A committee of up to six people who have extensive knowledge of organic farming in Ukraine and representatives of organic farming from Ukraine decide on the distribution of funds from the foundation. Through transfers, the money gets to where it is needed. This is currently possible almost everywhere in Ukraine. The use of the funds must be documented by organic farms and organizations in Ukraine. The possibility of funding is to be made known to them through the numerous existing contacts of the project on-site through suitable information material in Ukrainian.

Source GLS Treuhand Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft

If you want to help, you can find donation information here: Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft

Picture Fields in the Ivano-Frankivska district, Photo: Viktor Bystrov from unsplash

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