Embarking on Transformation

The uncertainty of our time calls for new guiding principles. But whose ideas are we moving towards and what qualifies a person to ‹lead› this transformation?

The concept of ‹leadership› itself is in transformation. The World Social Initiative Forum (WSIF) believes that in initiating this transformed world we will discover it together. Anthroposophy makes it clear that the most helpful service we render is to develop ourselves in the service of transforming the world. And it is helpful to find others who are going along the same path!

Since we were founded in 2000, the WSIF has followed the principle of Ubuntu, the African wisdom that says: «I am because you are.» This sense of sacred reciprocity has guided the WSIF through its collaboration across continents, different cultures and communities. There is much hope and strength in the good grassroots work that is happening on earth right now!

Today, the WSIF is focusing anew on the stream of reciprocal human engagement embodied in our growing, vibrant, planetary network. WSIF hosts in-person forums, online programmes, actively engages in networking and fosters thriving relationships. Following our mission to create services that are in tune with the spirit of our times, we have answered the call and developed a new programme called ‹Leadership in Transformation (LiT)›. In the nine-month project we will meet weekly to explore new perspectives arising from Rudolf Steiner’s radically transformative legacy. This online course will culminate in an in-person research conference at Ruskin Mill Field Centre in Gloucester (UK) in July 2023.

Filling the WSIF’s global network with life and extending it is a huge undertaking. The WSIF has expanded its core team to include members who carry within them the range of languages and cultures that the diverse network embodies.

More about the programme LiT Forums
Registration for the Zoom call through contact@wsif.org

Photo: Leon Contreras <strong>Translation</string> Christian von Arnim

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