Easter Endurance Test

It was a particular test for the Goetheanum: the ‘Parsifal’ performances brought a thousand visitors to the Goetheanum on three separate occasions, and most of them came by car. Another 600 people also came to the General Assembly of the Anthroposophical Society, which took place in between performances. And no sooner was the weekend over that the week-long World Teachers’ Conference followed, with 1,000 guests.

At the conference, those in charge took stock of the situation. The result: The departments, from reception to operations to event and stage technology, were able to cope with the high demand, although departments aren’t equipped with personnel for such large numbers of guests due to budget constraints. In addition, events like these take place during the holiday season, when some Goetheanum staff are on vacation. A contradiction that life presents: Staff want lots of events with large audiences, and at the same time the Goetheanum cannot increase the number of employees proportionally for these peak times. The staff conference affirmed this dilemma while maintaining a cheerful mood.

Translation Eliza Rozeboom
Photo Xue Li

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