Diwali: The Light in the Darkness

Former Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who ran for the White House in 2020, was also the first Hindu in the U.S. House of Representatives — she was elected for four consecutive terms starting in 2013.

On October 11, she announced that she was leaving the ruling Democratic Party, which she described as an «elite cabal of warmongers.» «Today’s Democrats are pulling us closer and closer to nuclear war,» she says.

On October 24, on the occasion of the great Hindu Diwali festival, she spoke up. She extends the message of the Diwali festival to find the inner light in the darkness to all humanity: «When we as a society are in times of darkness, as we are today, literally on the brink of nuclear war, […] the same truth applies. We must step into the light. To find real and lasting solutions, we must step into the light of God’s unconditional love. […] God’s love is not limited to a particular group of people. His love is not dependent on our nationality, ethnicity, or religion. He sits in the heart of every one of us. Everywhere we go, His love is omnipresent. This love brings about care, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness – qualities that know no bounds. If we cling to anger, resentment, and conflict, there is no room for the light of love. This can be destructive in our personal lives and potentially catastrophic when it happens between world leaders. Sometimes some problems or conflicts seem impossible to solve, but there is always a way.» Then Tulsi Gabbard called on us to pray for world leaders to get the right inspiration to find a way out of the crisis – and she concluded her speech with a prayer from Thomas Aquinas.

Through her words, she directs the gaze inwards, makes a spiritual, luminous contribution in the darkness of contemporary international politics, which still divides the world into good and evil, right and left, free and unfree world … and wants to disassemble it. She rises above party lines and speaks for all humanity. Is there another way to avoid the all-destroying war?

Youtube Tulsi Gabbard, Diwali 2022, CNN-News18

ImageTulsi Gabbard, Quelle: US National Archives – Translation: Monika Werner

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