Dangerous Resistance

November 18th to 24th was ‹World Antimicrobial Awareness Week› (WAAW).

The Biodynamic Federation Demeter International (BFDI) had already reported on the event last year. Particular focus was on the concern about resistant germs, which increasingly endanger public health and have overtaken diseases such as AIDS and malaria in the death statistics. For the Federation, the topic is extremely important because the increasing numbers of resistant germs are related to the use of antibiotics in agriculture and animal husbandry. The overuse of antibiotics is inevitable in industrialized agriculture. This underlines the need for holistic agriculture that includes animal welfare. The BFDI strives with other actors to bring about a change of heart in politics.

To the briefing paper with links to studies: Demeter

Translation Monika Werner
Image source Biodynamic Federation Demeter

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