Cultivating Trust

Chen-Chen Wu became a music therapist in 2018. She studied in Beijing under Stephan Kühne. She has been working in pediatrics in Taiwan for five years.

Asis How is music therapy received in Taiwan?

Wu Actually, it is not easy to promote music therapy here because it is not supported by the health insurance. Whoever wants to take the treatment must have a certain financial possibility to do so. But what touches me is that the people that I have worked with have been helped tremendously. My patients are mostly Waldorf students, both children and adults. The acceptance of anthroposophic music therapy is high. I also have some sessions with adults and they are especially touched by the lyre. Patients with sleep disorders and depression could relax and sleep better because of the lyre music. Most of the patients have a big love for music, especially the lyre.

Asis What inspires you in your work as a music therapist?

Wu What moves me most in therapy is trust. When trust emerges, the patients can also feel that they can develop in a positive direction.

Title image Chen-Chen Wu

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