Creativity, Spirituality, and Personal Responsibility

Anthroposophical education in times of crisis.

The fourth Education Forum in Germany will take place from June 8-10, and we invite everyone interested in shaping anthroposophically oriented educational institutions and universities. Individuals responsible, as well as students and teachers at such institutions, are particularly welcome. There are over 150 training centres in Germany that promote personal shaping of life and anthroposophical professional practice, covering the whole range, from youth seminars to artistic, therapeutic, or agricultural training and further education as well as university studies. This year’s meeting will focus on ‹Education as a Challenge for Society as a Whole›. In panels and working groups, anthroposophical education will be placed in relation to social crises.

Source Campusbildung

Translation Eliza Rozeboom
Image Preparing for the 2023 Forum in Stuttgart, Photo: M. Schmock

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