Creating Health in Everyday Life

A community seeking primary care for 13 years has become a German pioneer project for non-profit cooperative health care.

The Lebensgarten Grüne Aue is a citizens’ cooperative for health care in the town of Hermaringen with 2,300 inhabitants. The formerly ownerless pharmacy and medical center were reopened a year ago as a doctor’s office that offers integrative primary care and additional courses and therapies. Shortly, the pharmacy will also be re-occupied. The planned new building will offer space for medicinal plants and vegetable gardens, patient beds, seminar rooms, and a cultural café, providing a public meeting space. In addition, a nursery, first and foremost for the employee families, is to be integrated to make the concept viable. The Grüne Aue is intended to solve a practical problem that exists in many places and be a place of community design.

More Lebensgarten Grüne Aue

Image Grüne Aue, Reception Area, Source: Lebensgarten Grüne Aue – Translation: Monika Werner

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