Once a year, often on a day determined by religion and tradition, the community of the living commemorates the community...
Yom Kippur, the day when deeds are weighed. It is easier to focus on the dragon than on the scales...
Urs Bihler plays King Lear at the Goetheanum. At the beginning of the drama, the king asks his daughters how they love him. Here, the actor Urs Bihler talks about the great feeling. Questions by Wolfgang Held. When I asked you to talk about love, you said: I’d rather keep...
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The influential author and cultural philosopher Charles Eisenstein recorded a five-part series of conversations with Orland Bishop, a...
Every metanoia, i.e., inner transformation, has something paradoxical about it: on the one hand, I want to overcome the old...
The fundamental difference between spiritual and sensory perception is apparent: with the latter, it is always possible—due to external solidity—to distinguish between what I am and what an object is. With spiritual perception it isn’t so easy, at first, to distinguish that which originates from one’s own spirituality and that...
Over the past two years, Eduardo Rincón, the new co-leader of the Agriculture Section, traveled in America and Europe to...
I Not being reconciled with oneself is a well-known condition. It describes our usual relationship with ourselves. We should not...
If you ask people what is sacred to them, after some consideration, they’ll offer an answer: family, tranquility, freedom, peace, and many other things—depending on the individual—even “my soccer club” or “the work of Rudolf Steiner.” But what the sacred itself is remains elusive. The Romanian religious philosopher Mircea Eliade...
He (The Lord) said to Abram:Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will...
In all four of the gospels – but especially in Luke – the organ of the heart plays an essential,...
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