Children and Consumerism

A panel discussion on dealing with presents for children.

From October 2023 to March 2024, the “Kind im Glück” [Happy Child] lecture series will take place at Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences. In a series of lectures and discussions, specialists will address everyday questions about raising children. On November 29, the focus was on a topic of particular interest to parents and caregivers in the run-up to Christmas: giving and receiving gifts. The panel discussion entitled “‘Geschenke über Geschenke!’ Zum Umgang mit Konsum” [Gifts about Gifts! How to Deal with Consumerism] focused on how we can take part in ecological and sustainable gift-giving. The speakers offered concrete and practical solutions for everyday family life. The event was free of charge and open to anyone interested. Representatives from the worlds of business and science were on the panel. The discussion was moderated by Christoph Meurer, editor of the Bonn newspaper General-Anzeiger and team member of the newsletter Kind und Kegel [Kit and Caboodle].

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Translation Joshua Kelberman
Photo Karen Vardazaryan/unsplash

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