Being Awake and Supporting Life

Ukraine. Two priests talk about life in a state of emergency.

For two years now, people in Ukraine have been living in a war zone. In an annual newsletter to the Friends of the Ukrainian Christian Community, priests Tatjana Nechytailo from Kyiv and Andrej Ziltsov from Odesa report on the realities of their daily lives, on what it can look like to continue to stand up for the good and pass on hope to one’s fellow human beings in the face of great challenge and hardship. Is it possible for war to become familiar and for those affected to learn to live with the danger? Does the sense of the emergency eventually fall silent? Can I enjoy the small pleasures of life, like a party or a piece of cake, knowing that there are people fighting and dying for my freedom at this very moment?

Nechytailo poses these and other questions in her letter; finding answers means acknowledging the complexity of life. And this life goes on and on, even under the most adverse circumstances. Nechytailo and Ziltsov report on art workshops and eurythmy performances that are held despite the war, on Consecrations of the Human Being, and on confirmations and baptisms that are celebrated. Nechytailo emphasizes that all these moments experienced in the congregation are a gift. Carrying on helps against powerlessness. Helping where you can protects against the feeling of being too small to make a difference. Being there for each other in community provides comfort.

Ziltsov finds it helpful to talk to others about the future, about the time after the war and the fact that family members and friends who have fled abroad want to come home soon. The community is a shining attraction for their return. Nechytailo concludes in her reflections that being awake and supporting life are the most important tasks today. Anyone interested can register for the newsletter by e-mail.

More The Christian Community International

Translation Charles Cross

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