At the Round Table

Preparations are underway for 2025, the commemorative year of Rudolf Steiner’s death: People with initiative are welcome at the second round table.

The completion of the complete edition, several book publications, conventions, and exhibitions are all planned. Back in October 2022, some dedicated people exchanged ideas to enable cooperation and synergies, to time projects and to coordinate them if necessary. On May 3, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Rudolf Steiner House will be open to help get even more dedicated people to the round table. The aim is to create a geographically and thematically diverse program for the whole of 2025 – one that is contrary to the ‹pigeonholing› and general ‹bashing› of anthroposophy. In May, concrete projects can be presented, collaboration can be stitched, and a common plan will emerge.


Translation Christian von Arnim
Image Part of Rudolf Steiner’s complete edition in the library. Photo: Sebastian Jüngel

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