At the Age of 90

… the well-known eurythmist Dorothea Mier is still flying around the globe.

A special treat at the final meeting of the educational trainings on eurythmy were the courses for graduates, trainers and junior trainers held by Dorothea Mier at the Goetheanum. Born in England, she spent her life both in Dornach and in the USA, where she shaped educational training on eurythmy in Spring Valley (New York) over a long period of time. While she had not been able to hold her annual courses in Europe due to recent travel restrictions, the courses during the final meeting were now possible. Stefan Hasler raved about his guest: «Her entire life was full of eurythmy. This is obvious from head to toe; every gaze, every hand movement is eurythmic. She is really very inspiring!» Translation: Simone Ioannou

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