As Soon As You Trust Yourself, You Will Know How to Live

Now, after Easter, the rehearsals for ‹Faust 2022› have begun. In July, the curtain rises on the third year of the new production of the powerful stage piece, directed by Andrea Pfaehler (eurythmy: Eduardo Torres).

«As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.« This is what Mephisto promises – and more than the magic potion that Faust then consumes, it is this ‹Yes!› to himself that rejuvenates, that opens the door to the world, the door to love. This year, the ensemble is moving this Faustian exclamation to the center of the production. This sentence takes Faust on two infinite journeys: to the core of his soul and ‹to the stars›. What for? To completely fulfill this challenge, this mission to be one’s own teacher and master, to completely drink the actual magic potion – the potion of freedom. The pandemic and war have unhinged lives that were thought to be secure. The Faustian lesson, of learning to follow one’s own compass, was heard everywhere, again and again. For thousands of years, we have been telling each other stories, legends, and fairy tales – always for the sake of this great goal: someone goes on a journey to find themself, to save themself, and we go with them, feeling, thinking, because his story, because her story, becomes our story. Soaked with a thousand journeys, we are ready for the adventure of our own journey. Nine hours of ‹Faust› at the Goetheanum promises provisions for this journey. ‹Faust› at the Goetheanum is a production in development. Several scenes, such as the ‹Prologue in Heaven› and the final scene, ‹Mountain Gorges›, have been restaged. Andrea Pfaehler has also brought more young actresses and actors from the Junge Bühne, the Youth Ensemble, into the ‹Faust› Ensemble to give ‹Faust› at the Goetheanum a younger face.

‹Faust› at the Goetheanum 8th –10th of July, 15th –17th of July, 23rd – 25th of July 2022.

Image Philipp Tok

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