The wise men in the Jewish land proper – the Pharisees and scribes that is, had no news of the birth of...
Some of its critics dismiss anthroposophical pedagogy as unscientific, e.g., because it attributes pre-existence – reincarnation – to individuals (Prange...
Life is always designed. It is always a present appearance that changes in time. In general, we perceive as alive those phenomena to which we grant a relationship to space and time – if not entirely transparent, then always in itself ordered. Ortega y Gasset once said: «Life means the...
Part I of this essay attempted to follow the soul-spiritual individuality of Owen Barfield to the current period (1923) of...
Is it narcissistic assertiveness and satisfaction of our desires, without regard for our fellow human beings? Is it the relinquishment...
In a linear system of time, the beginning and end are absolute. If the passage of time is viewed in interconnected yet distinct cycles, the time horizon expands: what was before the beginning, and what will be after the end? This brings into view an intermediate period between two epochs...
He wrote that his reading was «the light of heaven,» «the deepest book there is.» Christian Bobin did not die....
Who was Arthur Owen Barfield? Rudolf Steiner’s foremost interpreter in the English-speaking world, some might say; the «wisest friend» of...
The Doppelgänger or ‹double› cannot be taken into the palace square of the deity. It must be dissolved – or, the same thing, it must reconnect with the human being. For it is a split-off piece of our being that we must reintegrate before we return to the Creator. That...
Owen Barfield was the first major English translator and interpreter of Steiner – as well as being an incredibly noteworthy...
Every increase, every true higher development of the organism, can only be achieved by outgrowing itself. Each expansion is followed...
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