A touching collection of memories, written by his colleagues at Rudolf Steiner Archive after his unexpected death this autumn, reveals...
New things always enter the world through pain. Birth does not exist without pain. For new things, it is also...
Our relationship to nature is largely determined by the imaginary world in which we live and by the direction in which we – unfortunately still mostly automatically – direct our consciousness. Usually, we experience ourselves surrounded by a world of objects, which could be there without us, as they appear...
Children have always been close to my heart. But I would also have liked to become a painter. I feel...
Rhythmic processes can be understood as vibrational phenomena, as they are also described physically using the example of mechanical vibrations....
In a linear system of time, the beginning and end are absolute. If the passage of time is viewed in interconnected yet distinct cycles, the time horizon expands: what was before the beginning, and what will be after the end? This brings into view an intermediate period between two epochs...
Throughout the Middle Ages, we can find the image of a dove flying into the ear of evangelists to inspire...
Charged with a significant task by the first head of the Mathematics and Astronomy section, Elisabeth Vreede, Willi Sucher devoted...
«Who is the Grail?» asks Parsifal. «There’s no telling,» replies Gurnemanz – describing the path to it: «Time becomes space here.» In this time that has become space, Richard Wagner opens a variety of windows on the Grail quest throughout his opera. Without revealing himself on the way, Gurnemanz leads...
Who am I? It’s a simple question, but one that is difficult to answer. I am myself and remain myself...
Cigarette manufacturer Emil Molt and writer Hermann Hesse were friends during their school days and became close again later in...
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