Architecture and Biodynamics

In the fall, architect Katherine Sepulveda, together with the Biodynamic Association Chile (ABD), hosted a workshop on how to use biodynamics at home. Here she reports on her intentions.

Biodynamic agriculture is the best school to understand life on Earth and how it is connected with and dancing in full harmony with all the elements and in turn with the entire universe. It is one of the great allies of organic architecture because it reveals its secret and invites us to understand those vital and invisible aspects that we as architects are far from penetrating and yet which are essential for the emergence of living forms.

The workshop was born out of a desire to share with people that the Earth is a living organism, which biodynamics addresses in such a broad, precise, and profound way. It was open to all people and wanted to leave a seed to look at this universal dance from a new perspective. The current global situation gave us the strength to do this workshop. We thought that right now it is even more necessary and that meeting in person, getting to know, sharing our experiences with the Earth, stepping into this knowing could also be an element of great health for all of us.

Together with my friend Sonia, who is a biodynamic farmer, we planned and worked for eight consecutive Saturdays. At every workshop, we were visited by new people and it was very nice to share and learn this valuable knowledge under these circumstances. Each workshop had a rhythm in which we first gave an introduction to anthroposophy and what Rudolf Steiner has handed down historically, then we deepened the topic, then we did eurythmy and a small practical part, and we ended with questions.

Finally, without taking away from the enormous amount of work we put into preparing the contents, beautifying the place, and preparing delicious food every Saturday, we realized that these workshops were an excuse to meet each other, look each other in the eyes and really listen to each other, with the breeze of the wind on our cheeks and with the beautiful light of the sunset, which gives us the warmth of the beginning of summer.

Pictures: During the workshops. Photos: Katherine Sepulveda Epple

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