Anthromedics in Spanish

Spanish healers and caregivers rejoice.

Anthromedics, the online portal for anthroposophical medicine, is published by the Medical Section. Here, interested parties, but above all doctors, therapists, and nurses can obtain information in German and English. The practical recommendations for childhood diseases, oncology, mental illness, or pregnancy, for example, are now also available to the Spanish readership. Dagmar Brauer, research associate of the Section, has taken care of the matter. Around 50 percent of the technical articles have been translated, and further texts will be continuously added. Even the ‹Merkurstab›, the journal for anthroposophical medicine, is translated into Spanish and can be read online at Anthromedics. For feedback, you can write to Dagmar Brauer under This opens up another branch of anthroposophy to international exchange and communication.


Photo: Omar Lopez

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