Alchemy of Everyday Life

ImpulsA is pleased about a successful annual theme.

So far, the group ImpulsA has organized five inspired meetings for 40 young participants on the annual theme ‹Alchemy of Everyday Life›. This is seen with great satisfaction as a success. The preparation of next year’s topic for the academic year 2023/24 begins, which will be continued in the same structure. It is intended to enable the previous participants to continue and to be open to new interested parties. Mathijs van Alstein, Christine Gruwez, Bastiaan Baan, Luc Vandecasteele, Bart Vanmechelen, Ineke Van den Bosch, and Petra Essink have already been confirmed as speakers. ImpulsA looks forward to another cycle of studies.

More Impuls Antroposofie

Translation Monika Werner
Photo Pieter Govaerts

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