Agriculture without Pesticides

Petition for Pesticide-free Food Production

The environmental initiative Save Bees and Farmers launched a petition for a significant reduction in pesticides and a Europe-wide ban on the herbicide glyphosate. The petition is aimed at politicians who are currently negotiating legislative proposals in the European Parliament and will soon be voting on new laws. There is still the possibility that the weedkiller Roundup, which contains glyphosate, will be approved for a further ten years. As part of the campaign, the initiative is providing draft texts that supporters can send to ministries and houses of parliament. They call for laws to be drafted for environmentally friendly agriculture and the ecologically sustainable production of healthy food. The initiative considers that this and the health of farmers and citizens should take priority over economic interests.

More Save bees and farmers

[See also a response from ELIANT Alliance here.—Ed.]

Translation Joshua Kelberman
Photo Mera Nazaria

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