
Afrika as a place of arrival

‹Kufunda› means learning and is the name of a learning village in Zimbabwe. Maaianne Knuth founded Kufunda in 2002 on the farm of her parents, who come from Denmark and Zimbabwe.

Here, self-sufficient biodynamic farming is also practised for the approximately 60 people living in the village. There is a small Waldorf kindergarten and a primary school, a leadership programme for the rural population and meanwhile a small business with herbs. But these are the by-products of the border crosser’s heart between two worlds. Maaianne wants to bring individuals back to their roots, which does not exclusively refer to colonially branded locals. Meeting others with reverence and interest enables one to find and feel oneself. Only from there is social building possible. In Kufunda, this wants to be realised through local and rooted traditions and resources, and at the same time be newly grasped through concrete learning to live together. The second All Africa Anthroposophic Training took place there in August 2019.

See also: kufunda.org

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