A Part of Something Bigger

Galten, Denmark. Anne-Lene Jappe, from the Hertha living community in Denmark, was at the conference for inclusive social development.

Hertha is a socio-political initiative with the aim of integrating people with support needs into an intergenerational community. The community is based on two ideals: the realization of inclusion between the different groups and the philosophical inspiration from Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy. After 28 years, 150 people live in the community, 30 of whom have special support needs. Our conviction that such a living situation would bring valuable synergies has been confirmed. This was my first time attending the conference, and I really felt like I was part of something bigger, a world movement. The organizing team made an effort to embrace diversity and to do justice to all participants across cultural and national boundaries. At a time when politics, religion, sexuality, skin color, and economic imbalance are driving the world into division and uncertainty, it is important that we come together for higher goals than just our own gain. Inclusion and cohesion were the guiding values of the conference at the Goetheanum, and I am grateful to have been there.

More Hertha

Translation Charles Cross
Image Hertha Levefællesskab

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