A Genius for Cooperation

Seoul, South Korea. Johannes Kühl from the Natural Science Section attended the founding of the Anthroposophical Society of Korea in September. An interview.

What is the state of anthroposophy in (South) Korea?

There are some groups that have been studying anthroposophy in depth for many years, mainly parents and teachers of Waldorf schools, as far as I know. Some of them are actively connected with the Christian Community, even though there is not yet a community in the true sense of the word. The first Waldorf school was opened in 2002, and there are now 14 schools in various stages of development, as well as training courses in Waldorf education and eurythmy. There is also a small but intensive movement of biodynamic farms and a group of doctors who study anthroposophical medicine.

Which moments from the trip stick out the most in your memory?

The enthusiasm of the people at the founding of the national society. One woman said to me: “I’ve been dreaming of this for ten years.” Some people were moved to tears. Were they overly emotional? No. What impressed me most was the prudence of the people involved in the preparations. The external things, like lists for the members or the catering, were perfectly prepared, and the legal matters were handled with great objectivity. They seem to have a kind of genius for cooperation—they know who to involve and when. This really creates a common will.

How can the global anthroposophical community support the newly founded society?

Such support already existed in the run-up to the founding, for example, through consultations with Justus Wittich from the Goetheanum, Marc Desaules from the Swiss National Society, and Rick ten Cate from the Dutch National Society, who also provided the statutes as a guide. Now, it is probably a matter of people being warmly welcomed, for example at the meeting of the country representatives at the Goetheanum. Ultimately, it seems to me that the genius for cooperation I mentioned can also be a support for global anthroposophical work from Korea.

Contact johannes.kuehl@goetheanum.ch

Translation Charles Cross
Image Anthroposophical Society Korea, Photo: Johannes Kühl

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