Sensitive Crystallization

Buenos Aires, Argentina. Biodynamic research in Latin America.

Sensitive crystallization, also known as copper chloride crystallization, is an analytical method that goes back to an idea by Rudolf Steiner and was developed by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. The imaging method should make it possible, for example, to assess the nutritional quality of food, which makes it particularly interesting for biodynamics. The biodynamic network in Latin America would like to expand its own capacities and experience in qualitative research methods that are relevant to work in agriculture. Based on this motivation, the biodynamic associations of Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico are offering a training course on sensitive crystallization from March to November. In monthly online meetings and at a workshop in Colombia, participants will learn from experts how the method was developed, how the analysis is carried out in practice, and how they can evaluate the images produced during the crystallization process. Anyone wishing to take part in the course can register by emailing Marcos Persia.


Translation Charles Cross
Image Flor Saurina

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