In More than 45 Countries

To mark the centenary of Rudolf Steiner’s curative education course, the Perspectives journal from the Section for Inclusive Social Development is being published with a scope of the worldwide movement. From 45 countries, from Egypt to Kyrgyzstan and Rwanda to the USA, it reports on on-the-ground anthroposophical social therapy.

The work even continues in crisis regions such as Ukraine. Because there are hardly any job opportunities for people with assistance needs, an inclusive bakery was founded in Kiev called Good Bread From Good People. Rim Mouawad and Sandra Rouhana report from Lebanon, where the Step Together organization has been in existence for 30 years and works for people with care needs in all age groups up to vocational training. Richard Blake links in from the heart of Africa in Botswana, where 160 pupils attend the Camphill school in the country. Cooperation with families and local communities makes it possible to provide supervised after-school work opportunities. The country report on Hungary mentions the Szimbiózis Foundation. With its help, the lives of 500 people with assistance needs are now being improved. The foundation’s activities range from a babysitting program for children with disabilities to camps for people on the autism spectrum.

More Anthroposophic Perspectives

Translation Charles Cross
Image Magazine Perspektives

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