Opening Windows and Doors

Zeist, the Netherlands. Two workshop days with Shelley Sacks.

The Atelier Anthroposofie in Zeist, the Netherlands, organizes regular “Inspiration Days,” during which participants are invited to look at life from new perspectives. On December 7 and 9, Shelley Sacks will be a guest at the studio to open new doors and windows to the world over two days. Sacks worked with the artist and sculptor Joseph Beuys for many years and has been a professor at the Social Sculpture Research Unit at Oxford Brookes University in the UK for 20 years. Beuys’ principle that every person is an artist with an inherent creative power has also had a decisive influence on Sacks’ work. The first day with her is dedicated to the awareness of one’s own humanity. Together with Sacks, participants will explore what it means to be human, especially in the age of artificial intelligence. The second inspirational day will focus on raising awareness of one’s own “field of encounter.” It is about engaging with one’s personal will and aligning it as a compass for one’s work in the world. The events will be held in English and Dutch.

More Atelier Anthroposophie

Translation Charles Cross
Image Martino Pietropoli

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